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The year 2024 has come and gone. The days may have felt long in the fields and in the lab, but they went by quick. Luckily, we have a few stats to wrap up the year and remember 2024.
The collaborative effort of four institutions brought students interested in the medical field together with professionals from the field. “The Nebraska Panhandle Area Health Education Center actually came to us (Scotts Bluff County 4-H) and asked us to put together a day like...
Just in time for the holiday season, the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln is proud to announce the launch of its annual Christmas Catalog. The catalog showcases exclusive holiday discounts from the businesses owned by Engler st...
This fall Spencer and Morgan Hartman, two alumni of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CASNR), celebrated their fifth year of marriage. A proposal in the Legacy Courtyard on UNL’s East Campus captured the importance of the place where their journey began. Five y...
Members of the West Central Agroecosystems Entomology Lab, the Cropping Systems research team, and the Irrigation Water Management Lab attended annual meetings across the country tailored to their expertise and research.
On October 29th, 2024, 135 people across research, teaching and extension came together in the East Campus Great Plains Room, on the University of Nebraska East Campus Union for the 2024 WICS Conference. The theme of this year’s WICS Conference was Creating Connections Togethe...